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The following dress code is taken from the Official Texas BPA Dress code https://www.texasbpa.com/downloads/BPA-Dress-Code.pdf.

Professional Dress Code

Opening Session, Second General Session, and Awards Sessions, all Competitive Events (judged, nonjudged, and open), and Campaign Rally


  • Pant or skirt suit
  • Dress skirt or dress slacks with coordinated blouse and/or sweater
  • Business professional “dress”
  • BPA blazer with dress skirt or dress slacks and blouse or sweater
  • Skirts or dresses cannot be shorter than two inches above the knee

Dress shoes (low heel or high heel), or dress sandals with heel are required with all of the above.


  • Dress slacks, dress shirt, and tie
  • Suit, dress shirt, and tie
  • Sport coat, coordinated dress slacks, dress shirt, and tie
  • BPA blazer with dress slacks, dress shirt, andtie

Dress shoes and dress socks are required with all of the above.

This excludes all denim for any of the above

Casual Dress Code


  • Sportswear (jeans), pants, and shirt, t-shirt
  • Footwear required with all of the above


  • Sportswear (jeans), pants and shirt, t-shirt
  • Footwear required with all of the above

Special Event Dress Code For Students and Advisors


  • ANKLE LENGTH PANTS ONLY – jeans, khakis, or other casual pants
  • NO SHORTS ALLOWED at the Special Event
  • Conference t-shirt must be worn to the Friday Special Event – the t-shirt must not be altered
  • Socks MUST be worn for the inflatables
  • Footwear required with all of the above


  • ANKLE LENGTH PANTS ONLY – jeans, khakis, or other casual pants
  • NO SHORTS ALLOWED at the Special Event
  • Conference t-shirt must be worn to the Friday Special Event – the t-shirt must not be altered
  • Socks MUST be worn for the inflatables
  • Footwear required with all of the above

The following are unacceptable during BPA activities:

Swim suits must be covered with appropriate attire and shoes must be worn while in any area except the swimming pool or designated sunbathing area.